Especificações Técnicas:
- Bluetooth: Yes
- Camera: Yes
- Display Measurement – Imperial: 3.5 in
- Display Measurement – Metric: 88.9 mm
- Drop Spec: 1.8m (6ft) drop to concrete
- Flash Memory: 16 GB
- GPS: No
- Hand-held Style: Hand-held, Pistol Grip Option
- High Temperature Tolerance: 60 deg C (140 deg F)
- IP Rating: IP67
- Keypad Style: Alphanumeric
- Low Temperature Tolerance: -20 deg C (-4 deg F)
- MSR: Field-installable (not included)
- Number of Keys: 59
- Operating System: WEH
- Operating System Version: 6.5
- RAM Memory: 2 GB
- RFID Option: Add-on UHF only
- Scan Technology: 2D Imager
- Scanning Range: Auto – Near/Far
- Terminal Emulation: Pre-licensed
- User Accessible Card Slot: Yes
- User Accessible Card Slot Size: 32 GB
- User Accessible Card Slot Type: MicroSD
- Voice Capability: Yes
- WLAN Radio: 802.11a/b/g/n
- WWAN Radio: none